I am a compassionate and reflective Psychologist who has experience working with people in the community, within rehabilitation services, and at times of crisis within the acute care setting. I use a person-centred approach in order to assess individual needs, develop a shared understanding of someone’s difficulties and collaboratively construct a treatment plan based on this understanding.
I am able to take a flexible approach, and select from a range of models for example Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), associated 'third-wave' approaches such as Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) or family working. I offer therapy for a range of different problem types including anxiety, depression, panic, OCD, phobias, trauma and personality difficulties. By the end of a piece of therapy, the individual (or family) can expect to have their own Wellness and Recovery Action Plan in order to help maintain their wellbeing and become their own therapist to maintain progress made in therapy.
I offer structured clinical assessment of cognitive functioning, personality, or psychosis for a range of needs.
Additionally, I can provide specialist teaching and training and Expert Witness services.
I am passionate about recovery and people leading a personally satisfying life in which they feel in control and that they are living life in line with their values. This has been one of my main areas of focus in service development and research.
Dr Adam Jarvis
Chartered Clinical Psychologist
Get in touch
If you would like more information about me or the services I offer then you can contact me using this site.
Contact Dr Adam Jarvis ▸
Professional Qualifications and Training
Professional Qualifications
Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (ClinPsyD)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Professional Training
Violence Risk Assessment Training and Consultancy
Anna Freud Centre
EMDRIA and EMDR-E Accreditation
ILM and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The University of Surrey
Certified Masterclass Workshops
Use of imagery in CBT
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Psychometric Assessments
Registration with Professional Bodies
Clinical Position and Clinical Interests
Current Position
Consultant Clinical Psychologist and
Lead Psychologist for Adult Inpatient Services
Surrey and Borders Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust
Developing Psychological services and pathways to ensure admissions to inpatient services are constructive and promote long-term recovery and integration into the community.
Leading and delivering individual therapy, group therapies, consultancy, complex case discussions, Psychologically-informed care planning, positive-risk taking, Psychologically-safe environments, staff support, and wider service development for inpatient services (including acute and rehabilitation).
Clinical Interests
My particular clinical interests are working with mood disorders (including anxiety, depression, panic, OCD and phobias), trauma, unusual experiences (hearing voices and distressing beliefs), and personality. I have particular expertise in the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) including third wave approaches such as Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR), and systemic approaches including family working.
I am passionate about recovery and people leading a personally satisfying life in which they feel in control and that they are living life in line with their values. This has been one of my main areas of focus in service development and research.
In addition I am interested in structured clinical assessments, particularly of personality, psychosis and cognitive functioning.